Muslim leaders Ibn Sina and Background of Life
Muslim leaders Ibn Sina was one of pride in the Islamic world. Born in 980 AD with the full name of Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn 'Abdullah ibn Sina. He was born in the area called Afsyahnan which is close to Bukhara. Communities are now familiar with the name Uzbekiztan area. Ingenuity and expertise gained by these Islamic leaders Ibn Sina taklepas of convenience that are not directly provided by both parents. Ibn Sina's parents worked as high officials in his day Saman Dynasty government.
Ibn Sina's Islamic leaders learn about the philosophy of science and medicine in his native region. Stepping on the age of ten, these Muslim leaders Ibn Sina had mastered and understood even sciences that exist in the Qur'an. Rows lafadz-lafadz God had he mastered early on as well.
Cleverness possessed by Muslim leaders Ibn Sina were obtained from many experts. He studied with great people, like Abu Abdellah Natilli. From Ibn Sina he himself learned a lot about the science of elementary logic. After that, Ibn Sina began a lot of learning to add his insights. He studied theology and metaphysics.
Muslim leaders Ibn Sina was also studied philosophy and intricacies. He taught himself. He studied many sciences brought by Aristotle's philosophy. To understand the philosophy taught by Aristotle, Ibn Sina should read it many times. Thanks to the help of Al-Farabi to understand the science of philosophy, Ibn Sina said that he was a disciple of al-Farabi.
Finished studying philosophy, Muslim leaders Ibn Sina then goes on to pursue medicine at Isa ibn Yahya. At the age that is still very easy, 16 years old, Ibn Sina Islamists have advanced and master the various science of healing. Theory and practice of health Ibn Sina made a commendable figure.
Muslim leaders Ibn Sina died in June 1037 in Iran. During his life, Ibn Sina has delivered approximately 450 books. The books are born from ideas include many areas. In addition to known medical book, Ibn Sina also known by the books of philosophy and poetry books.
Muslim leaders Ibn Sina and His work is Beneficial
Muslim leaders Ibn Sina was a great philosopher and physician of Modern Medicine Master's degrees. Ibn Sina or Ibn often written is the author of more than 300 titles. The books of his work largely used as a reference by some experts who come from different countries.
Since Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, even after thousands of years of the great philosopher died. A discussion of the soul (spirit, soul) like there is no end. Then later, Ibn Sina Muslim leaders lag was present takingin examines the nature of the soul. This is caused by anxiety and curiosity of Islam Ibn Sina's figures for the science of the soul that seemed to be a puzzle. Ibn Sina's Islamists seek knowledge about the soul because "anyone who knows the self (soul) it means to know God" as stated in the treatise of al-an-Nafsâniyyah Quwâ (Treatise on Mental Faculties) composed by Avicenna to al-Amir Nuh ibn Mansur.
His book includes one of his earliest and quite phenomenal. The book by Ibn Sina Islamic leaders that was quite a major impact on the world is ash-Shifa '. Ash-Shifa 'is a book of his work which contains a variety of information about health and treatment techniques. This book is considered too large and heavy. As a result the book is reviewed only by certain circles.
Communities prefer to read An-Najah is a summary of the ash-Shifa ', the reason being an-Najah more easily understood. Knowing this, the hero of Islam Ibn Sina then tried to collect an-Najah and systematically arranged in a treatise entitled ahwal an-Nafs. The order book of Islam Ibn Sina's figures have been widely used by the world community. They use the book as a reference in studying the science of health. His book is even used by prospective doctors from around the country.
Some of the Books of Ibn Sina
• Hâdzihî ar-Risâlah fî ‘Ilm an-Nafs
• Risâlah fî an-Nafs wa Baqâ’ihâ wa Ma‘âdihâ.
• al-Kabîr fî al-Haqq an-Nafs.
• Mu’allafât Ibn Sînâ
• Risâlah fî Haqîqah an-Nafs al-Insâniyyah wa Ma‘rifatihâ.
• Maqâlah fî an-Nafs yang lebih dikenal dengan al-Fushûl.
• Fushûl fî an-Nafs wa ath-Thabî‘iyyât.
• Risâlah fî al-Quwâ al-Insâniyyah wa Idrâkâtihâ.
• Al-Jumal min al-Adillah al-Muhaqqiqah li Baqâ’ an-Nafs an-Nâthiqah.
• Zubdah Quwâ al-Hayawâniyyah.
• Maqâlah fî al-Quwâ al-Insâniyyah wa Idrâkâtihâ.
• Risâlah fî an-Nafs al-Falakî .
• Risâlah fî al-Quwâ al-Jismâniyyah.
• Risâlah fî an-Nafs.
• an-Nufûs” (Jiwa-jiwa).
• Mu’allafât Ibn Sînâ
• Ahwâl an-Nafs
• an-Najâh
• asy-Syifâ’.
• al-Isyârât
• al-Mukhtashar al-Ausath dalam bidang logika (manthiq)
• al-Ausath al-Jurjânî
• an-nasy’ah ats-tsâniyah
• Ahwâl an-Nafs . (Psikologi Ibn Sina)
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